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Each year, thousands of children go missing. The pain and anguish felt by loved ones is immeasurable! Every second, every year, and each decade that a loved one is missing is devastating. The Raymond Green International Outreach of Hope specializes in cold cases, and offers support to those who feel forgotten.
The Raymond Green International Outreach of Hope was founded by Donna Green several years ago. She is no stranger to the issue of missing children, as her son was abducted over 3o years ago.
Hope is what all of us hold unto when there's nothing else. It gives us power to overcome and soar above the unforgiveable pain. It keeps us alive. HOPE is what Donna Green has lived with all her life. Her 5 day old son Raymond, snatched from the clutches of her arms, almost literally, in an instant, by someone posing as a friend. She had no idea, that the woman she met while in the hospital, known only as 'Lisa' was scheming to steal her baby boy. It was 1978, Donna had given birth to Raymond at Atlanta's Grady Hospital, when 'Lisa' befriended her in the hospital nursery and made frequent visits to her room. As a teen, Donna didn't think much of it, because 'Lisa' had said her own sister, had given birth, and that's why she was there.
Days later, 'Lisa' shows up at Donna's home, blending in with other visitors, curious to see the newborn, then kidnaps Raymond, when Donna leaves the room to take a shower. 'Lisa' lingered, promising Donna she'd watch the baby, instead picked Raymond up, went out the door, and VANISHED on that November day, never to be seen or heard from again!
It's been a long time, but Donna's never given up HOPE! Her unrelenting journey to find her son has never waned. Today there are more resources to help, when comparing it to the atmosphere in the late 70's. Detectives took a report, but Donna says after that, it was difficult getting a status report on the case. Atlanta police say the case was never closed.
With more tools of help, like national organizations concentrating on finding missing children, around the clock media availability, and law enforcement with a more directed goal to assist, the outcry reaches every corner of the world.
In fact, a young man in Germany saw her story, and automatically, felt she could be the missing piece to solving his family odyssey. Prince Lenny Penaloza, not his real name, only knows he was brought to Europe, in the late 70's from the U-S. He was abandoned at age 11, by the spanish woman, he knew as his mother. Now in his 30's he's considered a state less citizen, in this world with no record of birth. It makes it difficult for him to travel, work or enjoy basic necessities. But after seeing Donna's story, and a connection made through similar agencies, it 's led to a lasting relationship, one of a MOTHER/SON. The two began communicating by letter, by phone, both wanting so much for their stories to cover the missing space, each experienced in their lives. DNA tests took months, and finally it just wasn't a match, but the two have established an unbreakable bond!
Donna wants to meet Prince, and plans to travel to Europe by Christmas! It will give them both, what they so yearn for, HOPE that one day, both will get the closure they need!
Donna Green has appeared on CNN, and other national programs and remains a devoted contributor to the National Missing & Exploited Children's Network. She's a nationally known advocate for children, and other organizations associated with law enforcement and the FBI.
We've established a fund to help make this happen! If you are enlightened and feel the compassion for this story of HOPE, help make Donna's journey a reality.

Raymond's mother, Donna Green, has advocated for justice for decades, and refuses to allow people to forget his story.
News outlets have covered Donna's story several times, and people all over the world have been moved by her story.